Star Seedlings Family and Childcare Centre is a home-like oasis where early childhood is honoured as a phase of development. The beautiful environment, caring relationships and surrounding natural world will provide calm and consistency, supporting your young child to explore and discover their world, learning all the while.
Our Centre is free of technology teaching tools, such a recorded music, electronic toys and television. We provide organic foods and natural play materials, songs, stories and traditional finger games, as well as participation in the domestic activities of caring for the home and environment. Families will be integrally included and nourished through seasonal festivals, parenting workshops and ongoing dialogue.
Star Seedlings Family and Childcare Centre is a not-for-profit enterprise, owned and operated by the Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto, a registered charity.
Star Seedlings has been granted a license by the Ministry of Education, and is now open and fully functioning. Also, Star Seedlings is listed in the registry of County of Wellington as a licensed childcare.
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