At Star Seedlings Nature Kindergarten, your child will grow and thrive in our play-and-place based program for 4- and 5-year old’s. Our Kindergarten, designed to nurture and support the development of the whole child, using head, heart, and hands, puts nature and the child at play at the centre of learning. Their day is filled with nature immersion, imaginative play, songs, stories and creative and artistic experiences, such as painting, finger knitting and baking.
Their teacher is mentor, guide and role model, actively embodying curiosity, gratitude, reverence, wonder, and engagement in nature while allowing the children to engage through imitation thus leading their own learning, from the inside out.
Following the Forest and Nature School movement, children and educators build a relationship with the land through regular and repeated access to the same natural spaces, through all the seasons. Being with nature doesn’t only give children fresh air, joy and exercise, they develop problem-solving skills, co-operation, self-esteem, and self-knowledge as they learn about their personal limits and to challenge and trust themselves. These are capacities that children need to develop early on, in preparation for later academic learning and a future which we cannot imagine.
Robin Moore and Herbert H. Wong:
Natural Learning: “Creating Environments for Discovering Nature’s Children live an imaginary life, and creating a place where they can have fun in a very free way can motivate them and expand their horizons.“
Robin C. Moore and Herb H Wong
“Children have a natural affinity towards nature. Dirt, water, plants, and small animals attract and hold children’s attention for hours, days, even a lifetime.”
“The children and nature movement is fueled by this fundamental idea : the child in nature is an endangered species and the health of children and the health of the Earth are inseparable” – Richard Louv “Last Child in the Woods
“Nature is a tool to get children to experience not just the wider world, but also themselves” – Stephen Moss
To Learn more, call 519-265-8727 or email: info@starseedlings.ca